Today I want to share the thoughts and words I have been reading through for a while now. It's about taking a small step to help ourselves to appreciate what we have. It's about learning a little "everyday minimalism".
And it's for all of us fortunate enough to have lots of clothing, of food, of things around, and a house big enough to "store" them. Well, I've spent the last few months considering that it would have been a good idea not to buy too many things and food and clothes.... We and up with clothes we do not wear and with food in the trash bin.
Surfing on the internet I've found this amazing site called Becoming Minimalist on , featuring some very interesting posts about how it's possible to learn to live with less and how this can actually improve our lives.
It's really inspiring, and since I've started giving up buying too many things I can say that it's an attitude that has lead me to appreciate a lot more what I already have.
Also, it's a way to learn how not to waste things - like food - to learn how good is to recycle and to repair - instead of buying new. It' about using responsibly the resources around us.
Actually, learning to live with less things could not only help ourselves to make our live easier, but could also help those around us that do not have so much: imagine how many clothes you could donate if you'd free up some of the space in the closet.
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