mercoledì 10 luglio 2013


...due to technical issues!...
This means I'll be on a break for about a week from now.

I promise I'll be back with an interesting post on community an social work as soon as I'm up and ready with new "hardware".

We'll talk about Counseling and how Family Counseling can improve the relationships between members of the family.

For those of you that have landed on this blog, let me just say that I'm slowing trying to build up a place where it's possible to listen and to be heard, a place for reflections on our lives, a place where you can find information on wonderful people and organizations in many countries committed to make this world a better place.

I know there's a lot of work to do. I'll do my best.
In the meantime, thank you for the visit and I hope you'll come back on this pages again soon.
For any issues please feel free to contact me on

martedì 9 luglio 2013

That's how "Enough"... is not "just" enough, but can be better for me, for you and for the community

Today I want to share the thoughts and words I have been reading through for a while now. It's about taking a small step to help ourselves to appreciate what we have. It's about learning a little "everyday minimalism". 

And it's for all of us fortunate enough to have lots of clothing, of food, of things around, and a house big enough to "store" them. Well, I've spent the last few months considering that it would have been a good idea not to buy too many things and food and clothes.... We and up with clothes we do not wear and with food in the trash bin. 

Surfing on the internet I've found this amazing site called Becoming Minimalist on , featuring some very interesting posts about how it's possible to learn to live with less and how this can actually improve our lives.

It's really inspiring, and since I've started giving up buying too many things I can say that it's an attitude that has lead me to appreciate a lot more what I already have. 
Also, it's a way to learn how not to waste things - like food - to learn how good is to recycle and to repair - instead of buying new. It' about using responsibly the resources around us. 

Actually, learning to live with less things could not only help ourselves to make our live easier, but could also help those around us that do not have so much: imagine how many clothes you could donate if you'd free up some of the space in the closet.   

giovedì 4 luglio 2013

NZ Refuge for Women

I've lived in New Zealand between 1994 and 2003. I came to NZ because I was doing research in Ethnomusicology. Then, after completing my studies, I decided to stay.

In Auckland, where I was based, I had the opportunity of knowing an organization where a very good friend of mine was volunteering. One day, I needed to move from a flat to a smaller one, urgently, and could not bring some of the furniture with me. My fiend said to me: "Why don't you call the Women's refuge, they may need a bed or other pieces of furniture. You know, they help people". And so I did, and had the chance of knowing this amazing organization and great people.

It's called Women' s Refuge, - has ben established in far 1973 - and it is an organization that helps the victims of domestic violence, by giving them "advice, emergency accommodation and confidential advocacy services" as it's stated in the home page of their website 

This is a independent, bicultural organization and they have specific programmes for Maori women, children, migrants and refuge women, women with disabilities.

It's great organization, that each year helps thousands of women and children that are victims of violence and abuse.
Also, the way they promote the organization makes them vibrant and active, and luckily very present and well known in NZ community life.

They are launching a fundraising campaign in the month of July: the Women's Refuge Awareness and Appeal Month, an together with the billboards, press, radio and television campaign, they'll also raise the awareness of people trough the Donate Your Words FB App

Remembering my days in NZ, I'll always have a place for this organization deep in my heart.

lunedì 1 luglio 2013

CHANGE into a... Certified B Corporation

There are some things I consider mind "refreshing" and absolutely socially amazing.

On the back cover of a magazine I read of a series of informative seminars on various subjects. One of this is on social activism and the relator is from an organization called

Now, what they do is simply great.  Just go through the site and you will receive this positive energy by all the people involved unmaking things better. Not only, you can be a part of this change for the better by signing the online petitions - to help people in various causes.

All countries involved - this sites holds the hands of troubled people and gives them a loud voice. They have now something like 20.000.000 millions members around the world.

Also, is Certified as a B Corporation Business "using the power of business for social good". It cannot get better than this.

These times "change" is not an option - in many cases is necessary.
People at , you're doing a great job. Thank you.

no profit organization - B Corp Certified

no profit organization - B Corp Certified